About Us

Our Vision

One Team, One Company,

One Culture,

United In Spirit, Virtually Connected,

Purposely Driven

Our Mission

 "To engage and implement real estate investment solutions allowing investors, entrepreneurs, and business owners to successfully reach their financial goals."

Our firm’s specialty is working with individual investors, professional service practices, entrepreneurs, and business owners. 


"Contrarian Investing"


We engage in what the financial service market calls “alternative investing”.  Of course, what they are referring to is anything which does not conform to normal stock, bond, and cash equivalent investments.  


If you are looking for a “cookie cutter” one size fits all approach, you have come to the wrong place.  As a matter of fact, we are considered “contrarian investors” who do not conform to the financial service industry’s standards of wealth management.  We practice wealth management through investing in active and passive real estate including debt and equity investments.  


We also believe in a primary goal of educating and coaching our clients before any products or solutions are implemented.  And, we fully disclose all fees and the risks inherent in these products or services.  Once the client fully understands and is comfortable with a selected approach, we move forward towards implementation. 


We are prosperity advisors who only recommend real estate products and services we believe to be the “best fit” for our clients.  Ultimately, it is the client’s choice and we do not attempt to coerce a client for our financial benefit.  As a matter of fact, we encourage our clients to shop around for the best real estate products and services for their particular needs. 


Core Investment Management Group, LLC is committed to providing honest, straightforward real estate investment advice and counsel to individuals and entrepreneurs who desire to educate themselves to become “intelligent investors”.

The information on this website does not constitute an offer to sell securities or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities. The information contained on this website should not be misconstrued as a recommendation to invest in any securities. All information on this site is for educational purposes only.




Core Investment Management Group, LLC

3925 Roberts Road

Suite E 

Augusta GA 30907

Phone: 1-706-432-8294

Fax: 1-762-222-1444

E-mail: gerald.house@gocoregrp.com


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